Critical information about METFORMIN- An Anti-Diabetic and Different Uses


Chemical Names: Metformin; 1.1-Dimethylbiguanide
Molecular FormulaC4H11N5
Molecular Weight: 129.167 g/mol

Mainly medicated for : Type 2 diabetic patients
Metformin is an oral diabetes medicine, which can be prescribed together with diet and exercise to improve blood sugar level in adults with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
It could also used along with Insulin or other medications but under physician or doctors guidance

Metformin used for differently other then Diabetes Mellitus

  • Weight loss: It may prompt you to eat less by reducing your appetite and change the way your body uses and stores fat. wight loss occurs in one or two years, which may very person to person in an average 4 to 8 pound in 2 to 4 years.
  • Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome: Reproductive-aged women suffer from this syndrome, which is characterized by menstrual irregularities, low fertility, obesity and high blood levels of male hormones. Scientists have discovered that many women with PCOS are also insulin resistant, which stimulates their ovaries t  o produce male hormones. When women with PCOS do conceive, metformin appears to improve their chances of carrying their pregnancy to term. While metformin is commonly prescribed to them, its use must be determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • Anti Aging- Anti Cancer: An emerging body of evidence suggests some forms of cancer and certain chronic diseases may be driven by insulin resistance. Metformin’s usefulness in these areas remains to be proven, and the FDA has not approved the drug for preventing cancer or reversing the effects of aging.

Critical information about Metformin/ Things to know before taking Metformin / When not to use Metformin

  • Never use Metformin if you are allergic to it.
  • Never use if patient have severe kidney disease or metabolic or diabetic ketoacidosis, liver disease (call your doctor for treatment).
  •  If a patient need to have any type of x-ray or CT scan using a dye that is injected into your veins, you will need to temporarily stop taking Metformin.
  • This medicine may cause a serious condition called lactic acidosis. Get emergency medical help if you have even mild symptoms such as: muscle pain or weakness, numb or cold feeling in your arms and legs, trouble breathing, stomach pain, nausea with vomiting, slow or uneven heart rate, dizziness, or feeling very weak or tired.
  • Not in treatment of type 1 Diabetis mellitus
  • It is not known whether Metformin passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. You should not breast-feed while using this medicine.
  • Metformin are not approved for use by anyone younger than 18 years old.

Some importent facts releted Metformin

  • Your blood sugar will need to be checked often, and you may need other blood tests at your doctor's office.
  • Take Metformin exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not use this medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.
  • Do not crush, chew, or break an extended-release tablet. Swallow the tablet whole.
  • Some tablet forms of Metformin are made with a shell that is not absorbed or melted in the body. Part of the tablet shell may appear in your stool. This is a normal side effect and will not make the medication less effective
  • Low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia) can happen to everyone who has diabetes. To quickly treat low blood sugar, always keep a fast-acting source of sugar with you such as fruit juice, hard candy, crackers, raisins, or non-diet soda.
  • Glucagon emergency injection kit to use in case you have severe hypoglycemia and cannot eat or drink.
  • Your doctor may have you take extra vitamin B12 while you are taking this medicine. Take only the amount of vitamin B12 that your doctor has prescribed.
  • Store at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and light.

Submitting Adverse Event Reports to FDA

Use one of the methods below to submit voluntary adverse event reports to the FDA:
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  2. But used with caution in women with PCOS because they are thinking that they have PCOS so they cant become pregnant nd they will not use OCP nd if they are using metformin they can become pregnant any time due to improve ovulation by better to use birth control measures with metformin who wants contraception.


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